Merry Christmas!

Dear Alumnae and Alumni,

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

We celebrate Christmas and its rejoicing, its hope for Peace on our war-torn planet. We celebrate it under the form of a fragile and innocent newborn, as we all know that fragility can subvert force and innocence can disarm violence.

Let’s get ourselves wrapped by this divine Grace.

I wish you all also a prosperous, happy and blessed Year 2015 for you and your families!

May we all support Pope Francis, so dear to the hearts of the Alumni of the Society of Jesus, in its endeavor to reform the Church, to modernize it and to make it a true place for all mankind to converge and feel at home.

Let’s do so, with our beloved Jesuits, at our own level, with modesty in our speech, but also with ambition in our deeds.

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