14th “Arrupe Dollar” Campaign


Pedro Arrupe World Association

February 2015

For the Pedro Arrupe World Association, 2014 was a transitional year pending a greater involvement in Haiti on a proposal from the World Union’s President (in collaboration with a Belgian foundation) which did not materialise during 2014.

It therefore limited itself to its continued financial commitment to a scholarship fund for a worthy student in Zambia, recommended by a Jesuit priest, for €922.

However, the year was marked by the tragic situation of Christians in Iraq and Syria. Following an appeal by Jesuits and the associations working for them, the Association provided €2,000 of financial support for Christian refugees in Iraq and Syria.

The Arrupe dollar (or euro) campaign was, as every year, launched on 5 February 2014 via the dedicated website page. It raised €4,571 from a number of generous individual donors and some associations. One might think that this is a bit “thin” given the potential of alumni and their organisations, and the needs of a campaign seeking to have global reach, but, as we note each year, the Association depends for its funding on the generosity of each alumnus individually and on each association: so again this year it is down to everyone to join with those who, for more than 25 years, have been unfailing in their support. As the saying goes, “small streams make great rivers”!

This sum was increased by a one-off donation (conc erning 2013, but cashed in 2014) of €3,000 from a generous donor, thus allowing the Association to generate in 2014 a profit of €4,469 and to rebuild its reserves to €24,155.

For 2015, as well as the education programme planned in Haiti (rebuilding schools), the Association plans to continue to help Christians in the East and more generally to support all Jesuit projects to help integrate refugees in various host countries. Please do not hesitate to let us know of any local or regional programmes which are deserving of the support of Jesuit alumni!

On 5 February 2015 we will be launching our 14th Arrupe dollar (or Arrupe euro) campaign. As we do every year, we will be inviting

– each alumnus to donate $1 (or €1 in Europe) to the Pedro Arrupe World Association;

– local associations to levy $1 (or €1) on each subscription received and to transfer the corresponding amount to the Pedro Arrupe World Association ;

– those associations not in a position to make such a donation to consider making a suitable gift as a symbol of their support for this global campaign.

Bank details for the Pedro Arrupe World Association remain:

Account: Association Mondiale Pedro Arrupe
Bank: ING, 52 route d’Esch L-2965 Luxembourg
IBAN: LU26 0141 1263 6480 0000 (EUR)

Laurent Grégoire and Eric de Langsdorff
Operational Committee of the Pedro Arrupe World Association


Pedro Arrupe s.j.
Superior General of the Society of Jesus
from 1965 to 1983