Every four years, WUJA invites all Alumni of Jesuit educational institutions to take part in a great world encounter. Each congress is held on a general subject linked with Jesuit education and its values. The different world regions organize the congress alternately, as defined in the statutes. At the end of a congress, WUJA’s General Assembly votes some resolutions about the theme of the congress and the main guidelines of the world movement and elects the members of its world bodies (Executive Committee and Council). Click here to see the videos, pictures and resolutions of the three latest congresses: Next congress: 2025 in Yogakarta (Indonesia)The Jesuit Alumnus
The Jesuit Alumnus is WUJA’s magazine since 2013. It is intended for Alumni and friends of Jesuit education, the different components of the global network of these institutions, the Society of Jesus and every interested person. The magazine contains articles in English, French and Spanish about WUJA, Jesuit education, the Society of Jesus, as well as any matter of international interest about Alumni, their activities and commitments. Click here to download the latest issues and subscribe for the next onesOther ongoing or recent projects
Business School for the Great Lakes region in Africa
WUJA, in partnership with the Belgian Jesuit universities of Antwerp and Namur, develops a project of creating a business and public administration school in Bujumbura in Burundi. Bringing into practice one of the resolutions of the world congress of Bujumbura in 2009, WUJA pursued a feasibility study and is currently busy gathering the financing means for this initiative, a.o. with the European Union, private donors (mecenas, foundations), NGO’s, multilateral donors (World Bank, BAD) and the bilateral cooperation of the States. The cursus will be bilingual (French – English) and will offer a Master degree. The tuition fee will be kept at a reasonble level to ensure that most students will be able to apply (a system of scholarships will also be created) and a entry concourse will allow to select the best candidates. Students from all countries of the Great Lakes and beyond in this institution of Ignatian inspiration (Note : the project is currently on hold due to the turmoil in Burundi and is now in the phase of studying a place for relocation in the same region).Dialog between Alumni in the Great Lakes region
WUJA put together encounters between Alumni of Burundi, Rwanda and East-Congo to favour reconciliation and common projects. After years of tragedy and tension, it was important that Alumni be the first to knot the threads of dialog.International Jesuit Networking
WUJA participates to the ‘International Jesuit Networking’ of Father Dani Villanueva sj. This initiative aims at networking all Ignatian groups in the world that are for now very widespread: Alumni, CLC’s, JEV, Jesuit Refugee Service,… This effort is framed in a more global effort to link the Alumni among themselves. The next world congress will as a matter of fact be oriented in direction of networking.International exchanges of Alumni
WUJA organizes exchanges of young Alumni who as students will accomplish a Master in another country. Other types of exchanges relate to young Alumni who are volunteers to practice a social work. Finally, the sending of professionals, Alumni, for example doctors in medicine, occurs in countries where they can practice during a few weeks. WUJA intends to multiply these exchanges as soon as it will be able to call upon to a professional secretariate.Compendium of famous Alumni
WUJA wishes to launch in 2016 the first preparatory works for a Biographical dictionary of Jesuit Alumni who made themselves known by their merits and actions. Each association of young Alumni in the world will be invited to submit according to a well defined process a few names of deceased Alumni and Alumnae. A scientific committee will see to it that the notices are qualitative and that a balance be struck between all periods (from 1548 and the first college of Messina until today), all regions of the world and all charismas at work with Alumni. The Dictionary will be electronic and printed only if the demand is there.Reform of the statutes
WUJA launched a reflection to reform its statutes allowing it to improve its functioning and better represent the specific weight of the different world regions. It hopes to be able to have these new statutes during a general assembly in September 2016 in Rome.WUJA IN A NUTSHELL

WUJA – the World Union of Jesuit Alumni – brings together former pupils or students of Jesuit schools and universities in the entire world in order to build international relationships between these people, to contribute to the mission of the Society of Jesus and to promote the universal dynamic of Jesuit education.
For these purposes, WUJA organizes world meetings of Alumni around themes related to the commitment in the world and the society in the perspective of Christian and humanistic values, as practiced and promoted by the Society of Jesus in its educational work.
With the broad network of member associations, WUJA also launches or supports initiatives for solidarity or development such as the Pedro Arrupe World Association, particularly in the field of education or in partnership with Jesuits.
WUJA wants to develop its Community to federate and mobilize as many Alumni as possible who are sensitive to this dimension of their education and interested in this global dynamic, by reaching them among others via the Alumni associations in the Jesuit schools and universities worldwide and the national structures or local groups of Jesuit Alumni.