Réunion du Conseil de WUJA à Montevideo

Réunion du Conseil de WUJA à Montevideo

L’Union mondiale des anciens élèves des jésuites (WUJA) tient son prochain Conseil à Montevideo, Uruguay, les 17 et 18 juillet 2015. Cette réunion est l’endroit par excellence où la direction générale de l’action de WUJA est décidée. Le Conseil de WUJA est élu pendant l’assemblée générale tenue à l’occasion d’un congrès mondial. L’actuel Conseil fut…

Mass for pope Francis

Mass for pope Francis

On June 10, the premiere took place of the ‘Mass for pope Francis at the occasion of the bicentennial of the restoration of the Society of Jesus’. This mass was specially composed by an illustrious Alumnus of the Jesuits of the Istituto Massimo in Rome: Ennio Morricone. The maestro directed himself the orchestra and two…

Earthquake In Nepal

Earthquake In Nepal

Dear Friends Alumni/æ We were struck by the catastrophe in Nepal. The Nepalese Jesuits are calling upon us to show our solidarity. Please find hereafter the link to the web page of the Curia (http://www.sjweb.info/news/) and to the Facebook page of the Earthquake Relief by Nepal Jesuits Here comes their bank account : Bank Name:…

Terremoto en Nepal

Terremoto en Nepal

Queridos Exalumnos/as Estamos conmovidos por la catástrofe en Nepal. Los Jesuitas Nepalíes nos piden que mostremos nuestra solidaridad. En el siguiente link de la página web de la Curia Jesuita en Roma podéis encontrar un informe sobre la situación producida y los datos para enviar ayuda a Nepal (http://www.sjweb.info/news/) y la página Facebook del Earthquake…

Nepal earthquake

Nepal earthquake

WUJA expresses its deep condolence and reach out to the victims with a Compassionate Heart.   Letter from Fr. Sunny Jacobs, Secretary of JEA (Jesuit Educational Association in India): Dear Friends This is the hour of crisis in Nepal. Even in our country’s Border States are affected very much. Let us, Jesuit educationists and our…